Sometimes it can be difficult working with an artist when you have no ability to draw and you want them to see exactly what you can see in your mind. It entails phrases such as ‘it’s like this, but not exactly’ and ‘a bit like a mix of all these pictures together’ and ‘if you took this bit of that image and a piece of that image and this section of the other image you might be close to what it looks like’.
These highly descriptive comments often lead to a rather cranky looking artist saying, “Draw it.”
“But I can’t draw,” I explain for probably the fiftieth time.
The artist holds out a piece of paper and pencil. “Draw what you want made.”
I reluctantly take the paper and attempt to draw something vaguely like what I have been trying to explain. Handing the artist the piece of paper, I say, “It looks like this. Kind of.”
The artist turns the paper in various directions, frowning. “What’s this?”
“My drawing. I told you I can’t draw. Why don’t you draw it? You’re the artist.”
“I would if you told me what you want.” The artist hands the paper back.
“I’ll send you the description from my book.” Once I’ve done that, I return to the artist and wait until the description is read.
The artist looks up from the computer. “That’s not enough information.”
“I do need to leave some of the details up to reader’s imagination.”
“So I can make what I want.”
“No. It has to be like what I pictured.”
“I’ll make something and if you don’t like it, too bad.” The artist wanders off to the shed, muttering about authors and impossible tasks. There are often a few four letter words included. Well, maybe more than a few.
Days, weeks or months later, depending on the complexity of the task, I finally see the finished piece. “That’s exactly what I imagined. See, I did give you enough information after all.” Although for some reason the artist doesn’t seem overly impressed with my comment.