Sometimes, no matter what I do, a character will refuse to behave and do what I want them to do. It feels like they have taken on a life of their own. I know it’s because I’m trying to make them do something the character wouldn’t normally do, but the following is a little like what it feels like when characters become so well formed it seems like they have taken over a story.
Character: (folds arms across chest with a stubborn look) No.
Me: Who is the writer here? Now do as you’re told.
Character: No.
Me: Oh come on. Do this little thing for me. What can it matter?
Character: I’d never do anything like that.
Me: This is my story and that’s where I want it to go.
Character: Too bad.
Me: Please. Pretty please with cherries on top and sprinkles and chocolate and… hmm, I’m getting hungry. Are you hungry too?
Character: You won’t distract me that easily. The answer is still no.
Me: If this story doesn’t work it’s your fault.
Character: No it’s not. You need to write the story that suits me. Now stop trying to change me and write my story.
Me: (mutters under breath) Damn characters. Think they own the story. Always trying to tell me what to do.
Character: (with a slight smile) I do own this story. Isn’t it all about me?