
While working on Guardians Of The Round Table 2: Goblin Boots, we realised that a character was adding a lot of items to a satchel and we had no idea if they’d all fit. So of course we needed to make one to find out for certain. And just in case you’d like to make one too, here are the details on how we made it.

Satchel Pattern

1cm seam allowance is included in the pattern. Sturdy material such as drill or light denim can be used.

Satchel strap: 11.5cm x 50cm (cut one on the fold, with the 11.5cm edge on the fold)

Satchel body: 30cm x 40cm (cut one on the fold, with the 30cm edge on the fold)

Satchel sides: 7cm x 29cm (cut two)

Satchel Instructions

Fold material in half and pin pattern pieces into place. Cut out. Make sure you don’t cut along the fold (shown at the top of the following image).

With the back of the material face up, fold over the edges of satchel strap and iron into place.

Fold the satchel strap in half, iron in place and pin. Sew around the edges.

Pin the satchel sides to the body of the satchel, making sure the outside of the material pieces are facing each other.

Pin the bottom of the satchel side to the body of the satchel, turning the material so the bottom edge lines up with the satchel material.

Turn the material so the second side can be pinned to the body of the satchel. It is important that the sides of the satchel both reach the same point on the body of the satchel. (When pinning the corners, the material of the body of the satchel will be rounded. This will be sorted during the sewing stage.)

Sew the sides to the body of the satchel, stopping 1cm from the top at the back of the satchel. Mark the location with a pin so you know how far to sew.

When you are 1cm from each corner, keep the needle in place, lift the foot and turn the material so you can sew along the next edge. Keep the material of the satchel body spread out at the corners so it doesn’t become bunched up or sewn to the wrong section.

Zigzag along the edges of the sides to prevent fraying. Don’t go past the 1cm point marked on the back of the satchel sides.

Hem the sides and front of the satchel. Fold at half a centimetre, then fold again. Iron and pin in place. Sew along the hem.

Hem the flap of the satchel, doing the sides first and the front edge last.

Pin each end of the strap to the top of the sides of the satchel with a 4cm overlap.

Fastenings such as buttons can be used to finish off the satchel, but they aren’t necessary.