There is a myth that authors live on coffee and can’t resist chocolate. Well, I don’t drink coffee, or even tea for that matter, but I can’t resist chocolate. So for those of you who love both, here’s a great way to combine them.
You will need:
A block of chocolate (I’ve used white to make it easier to see)
A handful of coffee beans (depends on how much coffee you want to add)
A tray/mould (I’ve used a water bottle ice tray)
Melt the chocolate either over low heat or put boiling water in a large bowl and place chocolate in a smaller bowl that you sit in the large bowl.
Scatter coffee beans across the bottom of a tray.
When chocolate is melted pour it over coffee beans.
If you want the beans more covered, use something such as a cocktail fork to mix the chocolate around them thoroughly. For less covered beans, just pour in the chocolate.
Put in the fridge and when set turn out of the tray or mould.