This page contains spoilers for book 2 of Guardians Of The Round Table.
Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Completed Quests / Starting Stats / Final Stats
Mallory’s Notebook Entries
Day Four, Second Month, 514 (4 days on Inadon)
Wayholt, Ruby Isle
We escorted the wagoner to Wayholt and rescued Fang, a wolf cub, from hellions along the way. Brodie accepted her as his companion animal. This time I was the one to use up a revive during a fight. Danae, or Danni as she prefers to be called, has temporarily joined our party and will be going to South Peak Mine to complete the quest with us. We bought more equipment, but our party is still lacking gear and money.
Day Five, Second Month, 514 (5 days on Inadon)
South Peak Mine, Ruby Isle
We travelled to South Peak Mine, approximately five hours from Wayholt and completed two quests. They both involved killing goblins in our first dungeon. The first quest we had to find out where the goblins were coming from and for the second we rescued two guards and took out the goblin general. We gained a positive reputation at South Peak Mine, Ruby Isle and now have Kruth Blackhelm interested in being our guard. We also learned about the existence of fire, frost and poison drakes and a way we might be able to earn money by seeking out eggs to hatch and sell. Danae seems interested in joining us for a longer amount of time, but I don’t think that would impress her family. Which I doubt would be good for us since reputation is important on Inadon. Or at least I assume it is or it wouldn’t be listed in our journals.
Day Six, Second Month, 514 (6 days on Inadon)
Buckneth, Ruby Isle
We left South Peak Mine early, hoping to beat the rain. We didn’t leave soon enough. With the help of Danae we bought a donkey in Wayholt, that we need to name, and headed on to Buckneth. Halfway back we ran into some hellions and a hunter who was their prisoner. They gave us a clue about where to find coffee and after taking the hellions out, we set the hunter free. We took him to Buckneth and he’ll travel to Surith with us. His brother was also taken captive by hellions and he wants to track him down. We’ll return home after dinner at the tavern and return to Inadon early the next morning for our journey to Surith.
Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Completed Quests / Starting Stats / Final Stats
Active Quests
Turn A Blind Eye (Buckneth, Gained Book 1, Day 1.)
- A shady character is willing to offer you one silver piece if you let him take the last sheep and tell the shepherd it was eaten by wolves.
- You declined the offer made by the shady character.
- The shepherd suggested you notify the law at Ursen that a rogue is operating around Buckneth.
Trade Route Guard (Brisbane/Buckneth, Gained Book 1, After Day 3.)
- Since a shady character has been seen in the area of Buckneth the wagoner is worried about making the journey to Surith alone. He needs to take stock to the trader in Surith and requests an escort for the journey there and back.
Hunt For Enchanted Staff (Buckneth, Gained Book 2, Day 4.)
- Locate the lost staff before the dark forces learn its location. If the merfolk know the location they are keeping it to themselves, but most believe the ship is probably in one of the areas they avoid.
Ancient Crypt (Wayholt, Gained Book 2, Day 5.)
- Discover the ancient crypt near Wayholt and learn why skeletons are wandering the area before the undead have the chance to descend upon the village.
Captured By Hellions (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)
- The hunter from Wildebay and his brother were captured by hellions. He is in need of help to rescue his brother once he learns where he was taken.
In Search Of Beans (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)
- The wagoner from Buckneth has contacts who might be interested in growing coffee shrubs if you can bring seeds or seedlings and the knowledge they would need to produce coffee.
Hellions In The North (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)
- Notify the law about the hellion encampment or take matters into your own hands.
Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Completed Quests / Starting Stats / Final Stats
Completed Quests
Restore The Assistant’s Dignity (Wayholt, Gained Book 2, Day 4. Completed Book 2, Day 4.)
- Track down the bandits and return the items they stole from the cook’s assistant.
- The cook’s assistant was relieved by the return of his items. You were rewarded with a hatchet, pruning shears, hand drum, hammer, saw, needle, thread, drop spindle and a recipe for rich herb gravy for your party. You also earned fifteen experience points each.
Unwanted Residents (Wayholt, Gained Book 1, Day 2. Completed Book 2, Day 5.)
- South Peak Mine closed one of their more profitable tunnels due to a goblin infestation. They need a group willing to take care of the problem since the local mercenaries are not interested.
- Get rid of the goblins in the mine tunnel and find out how they got in to receive five gold pieces.
- After clearing the tunnel of goblins and discovering how they entered you were rewarded with five gold pieces for your party. You also earned fifteen experience points each.
Unwanted Residents Part Two (South Peak Mine, Gained Book 2, Day 5. Completed Book 2, Day 5.)
- The overseer has offered five gold pieces for the death of the goblin general and his sword as proof.
- The overseer challenged you to finish before the evening meal ends and he will both feed you and pay an extra gold coin.
- You not only completed the task, but also met the challenge the overseer set. You were rewarded with six gold pieces for your party. You also earned fifteen experience points each. You have the option of joining the miners for their evening meal.
Missing Guard (Buckneth, Gained book 2, Day 4. Completed Book 2, Day 6.)
- Grotmur Blackhelm needs a letter delivered to his brother as he has not heard from him since the goblin troubles started at South Peak Mine.
- Discover why Kruth never returned from the goblin tunnel in South Peak Mine.
- Upon finding Kruth, he asked that you take a letter to his brother. He is willing to pay five copper pieces.
- If you are in need of the services of a guard, Kruth is willing to work for you at a discounted rate.
- Grotmur was grateful you not only delivered his letter, but escorted his brother to safety. As well as the five copper pieces you received from Kruth, you were rewarded with five silver pieces for your party. You also earned twenty experience points each. You have the option to hire Kruth as a guard at a discounted rate.
Trading Opportunity (Buckneth, Gained Book 2, Day 4. Completed Book 2, Day 5.)
- For safe escort to Wayholt and South Peak Mine the wagoner is willing to trade up to one chest worth of goods on your behalf and pay you a silver piece upon safe return to Buckneth.
- The wagoner was relieved to be escorted safely home and grateful for your influence at South Peak Mine that gained him a better trade deal. You were rewarded with one silver piece for your party. You also earned twenty experience points each.
Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Completed Quests / Starting Stats / Final Stats
Starting Stats Of Book 2
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Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Completed Quests / Starting Stats / Final Stats
Final Stats Of Book 2
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Companion Animals’ Final Stats Of Book 2
Smudge 8HP (Callum)
Fang 6HP (Brodie)