Recap Of Singed Feathers


This page contains spoilers for book 3 of Guardians Of The Round Table.

Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Mallory’s Notebook Entries

Day Seven, Second Month, 514 (7 days on Inadon)

Wildebay, Ruby Isle

Returning to Inadon at six-thirty in the morning we helped Ninette become a warrior and named the donkey Bobbi before we travelled to Surith with the wagoner and Welby. We were attacked by bandits and a pirate and gained a map, which Brodie wanted to follow. We bought vambraces for Callum and a hunting bow for Ryan while we were in Surith and learned Danae will have a four week wait for a ship that can also carry livestock. She can’t leave Agusta behind. We escorted Welby to Wildebay and met Art, a shapeshifting rooster with a terrible habit of burning himself when he casts a fireball. He’s known locally as Roast. We discovered the map led to a bandit camp, Welby guiding us to it, and gained amongst other things a tent and a bedroll. The tent will come in handy if we go after fire drakes. Art offered us a bed for the night and we plan to escort him to Mer Point tomorrow so he can buy a fire resist amulet. He wants to travel with us when we go to Cutthroat Harbour, which is where we learned Welby’s brother is probably being held by the hellions that captured him. They have Art’s girlfriend, Merry, along with her cousin and another two villagers.

Day Eight, Second Month, 514 (8 days on Inadon)

Wildebay, Ruby Isle

We escorted Art to Mer Point where we learned the village was having problems with smugglers who had kidnapped the Mer Point wagoner, stolen stock from the trader and taken the mage’s staff. While hunting down the smugglers, we rescued merfolk and killed a hellion with a lot of location specific revives. Rass. The merfolk we rescued would like him permanently dead. I’m not sure we’ll be able to manage that. Not if what the smuggler told us about the amount of revives he has is true. We made a deal with the wagoner and ended up making a good profit from the barrels and crates of gear we found in the caves. Callum also found a little bit of coffee and wants to attack dark force encampments and places in the hope he’ll find more. We discovered we could buy crafting ability books to learn more about the different abilities and unlock them. While escorting Art home to Wildebay, where we plan to stay the night, we called in to Surith to talk to the wagoner. We also gained our first character level. Finally. I chose warrior while the rest levelled up their current classes. Brodie wasn’t impressed that no one can use the healing spell.

Day Nine, Second Month, 514 (9 days on Inadon)

Buckneth, Ruby Isle

Welby woke us this morning with a basket of sweet pastries from the Wildebay baker. Which certainly made Brodie happy. We escorted Welby and Art to Surith and somehow Brodie ended up buying a pig. And not for bacon either, as he put it. Which surprised all of us. He said he’s going to find a home for the pig, but I’m not sure how he’ll manage that. Or what he’s going to do with him in the meantime. We went to buy a horse and ended up doing a quest to rid the property of a nest of chameleon vipers. We also found twenty-four eggs which we were able to sell, along with the vipers, at a good profit to help outfit ourselves better. We also bought a crafting ability book and one on companion animals. Shopping done, we escorted the wagoner, Welby and Art to Buckneth where we’ll stay the night at the tavern, or part of the night, and travel home. We plan to stay in our world twenty-four hours. Which will mean only four hours will have passed on Inadon. I can’t wait to return and continue our adventures on this world.

Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Active Quests

Hunt For Enchanted Staff (Buckneth, Gained Book 2, Day 4.)

  • Locate the lost staff before the dark forces learn its location. If the merfolk know the location they are keeping it to themselves, but most believe the ship is probably in one of the areas they avoid.

Ancient Crypt (Wayholt, Gained Book 2, Day 5.)

  • Discover the ancient crypt near Wayholt and learn why skeletons are wandering the area before the undead have the chance to descend upon the village.

Captured By Hellions (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)

  • The hunter from Wildebay and his brother were captured by hellions. He is in need of help to rescue his brother once he learns where he was taken.

In Search Of Beans (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)

  • The wagoner from Buckneth has contacts who might be interested in growing coffee shrubs if you can bring seeds or seedlings and the knowledge they would need to produce coffee.

Hellions In The North (Wayholt/Buckneth road, Gained Book 2, Day 6.)

  • Notify the law about the hellion encampment or take matters into your own hands.

Waiting For Justice (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8.)

  • Edlien and Gal want the death of the ones responsible for harming those of their merfolk colony. Including Rass, the hellion who escaped. They are willing to reward anyone who can bring this about.

Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Expired Quests

The quest Turn A Blind Eye has expired and is no longer available. It may have been completed by another party or individual.

Turn A Blind Eye (Buckneth, Gained Book 1, Day 1. Expired Book 3, Day 7.)

  • A shady character is willing to offer you one silver piece if you let him take the last sheep and tell the shepherd it was eaten by wolves.

  • You declined the offer made by the shady character.

  • The shepherd suggested you notify the law at Ursen that a rogue is operating around Buckneth.

Completed Quests

Journey Home (Surith/Buckneth road, Gained Book 3, Day 7. Completed Book 3, Day 7.)

  • The Wildebay hunter will show you where he believes your map leads if you escort him home.

  • You escorted the hunter safely home. You were rewarded with a promise from the hunter that he would guide you to the location on your map. You also earned twenty experience points each.

Merfolk In Danger (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • Edlien of the merfolk colony at Mer Point has asked for your help in rescuing Tyne from smugglers. She has offered you a twisted pearl shell so you may call on her in your hour of need, regardless of if you manage to rescue Tyne.

  • You rescued Tyne and returned her to Edlien and were rewarded with salvage, a barnacle encrusted sword, for your party. You also earned ten experience points each.

Cry For Help (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • Mer Point has lost belongings and goods to smugglers who are staying in the local caves. They sent to Lilica for help, but no one answered. The village is willing to pay a reward to whoever will rid them of the smugglers.

  • You rid Mer Point of the smugglers in the nearby caves. You were rewarded with a bag of loot for your party. You also earned fifteen experience points each.

Stolen Stock (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • Locate the crates and barrel the smugglers stole from the trader of Mer Point and ensure there are no smugglers left guarding them so he can have his stock collected. In exchange he will give you a map of Ruby Isle and a twenty percent discount on any stock you purchase from him for as long as he owns the shop and a bottle of maple syrup.

  • The trader has also offered to reward you with a bottle of maple syrup.

  • The trader is grateful you located his stolen stock. You were rewarded with a map of Ruby Isle, a bottle of maple syrup and a twenty percent discount on all stock in his shop for your party. You also earned two experience points each.

Missing staff (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • Return the stolen staff to the mage and in exchange, she will repair the charm and give a fire resist amulet to Arthur of Wildebay along with two spells suited to your level.

  • The mage was pleased to have her staff returned and surprised to learn that half of what she offered was for a person not in your party so she offered a different reward including repairing the charm for Arthur of Wildebay and giving him a fire resist amulet. You were rewarded with two spells for an unlevelled mage and two health potions (ten health points each) for your party. You also earned five experience points each.

A Son’s Request (Mer Point, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • The Mer Point wagoner’s son fears the smugglers will murder his father. He has offered six strong night vision potions to help in the rescue of the Mer Point wagoner.

  • The wagoner offered to help remove the barrels, crates and chests from the caves in exchange for thirty percent of the value of the barrels and crates. He is also willing to pay you a fair price for any items you wish to sell in thanks for all you have done.

  • You escorted the Mer Point wagoner home. You were rewarded with seventy percent of the value of the barrels and crates and the entire value of the chests for your party. You also earned twenty experience points each.

Information Needed (Surith, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • The Surith trader is willing to pay five copper pieces to learn why the Mer Point wagoner is late. He will pay an extra two copper pieces if you can give him the wagoner’s new arrival date.

  • You have learned the Mer Point wagoner plans to travel to Surith in a couple of days.

  • You told the trader the information he needed. You were rewarded with seven copper pieces for your party. You also earned five experience points each.

Singed Feathers (Wildebay, Gained Book 3, Day 7. Completed Book 3, Day 8.)

  • A shapeshifting rooster from Wildebay is in need of an escort to Mer Point. He is offering five silver pieces and a place to stay whenever you and your party are in the area.

  • The shapeshifter was grateful to have been escorted to Mer Point and back and also offered to pay your stabling costs for the night. You were rewarded with five silver pieces for your party. You also earned twenty experience points each.

Village Search (Wildebay/Surith road, Gained Book 3, Day 8. Completed Book 3, Day 9.)

  • The goblin village between Wildebay and Surith needs to be found and dealt with before it becomes a problem for travellers in the area.

  • You found the goblin village and dealt with the general. You earned fifteen experience points each.

Nest Of Vipers (Surith, Gained Book 3, Day 9. Completed Book 3, Day 9.)

  • In return for killing all the chameleon vipers at the back of the property, the farmer’s son has offered a discount of five gold pieces off the horse he has for sale as well as one gold piece for every chameleon viper killed. He will also offer one apple pie and a husbandry crafting ability book. If you are unable to deal with all the chameleon vipers, instead of the five gold pieces discount, you will only receive two gold pieces. All other rewards will remain the same.

  • After killing twenty-two chameleon vipers, you were able to purchase a horse at the discounted price of fifty-three gold pieces. You were rewarded with a husbandry crafting ability book and an apple pie. You also earned fifteen experience points each.

Trade Route Guard (Brisbane/Buckneth, Gained Book 1, After Day 3. Completed Book 3, Day 9.)

  • Since a shady character has been seen in the area of Buckneth the wagoner is worried about making the journey to Surith alone. He needs to take stock to the trader in Surith and requests an escort for the journey there and back.

  • The wagoner has postponed his journey to Surith, but is interested in an escort there and back when he returns from Wayholt.

  • You escorted the wagoner safely home. You were rewarded with the wagoner selling items for your party during the journey. You also earned twenty experience points each.

Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Lore Books Discovered

The following links will take you to Smashwords where the books are available for free.

Understanding The Classes Of Inadon: Archer

Understanding The Classes Of Inadon: Mage

Understanding The Classes Of Inadon: Rogue

Understanding The Classes Of Inadon: Warrior

Understanding Companion Animals

Understanding The Crafting Ability Diplomacy

Understanding The Crafting Ability Husbandry

Understanding The Crafting Ability Sailing

Understanding The Crafting Ability Shipwright

Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Starting Stats

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Companion Animals’ Starting Stats Of Book 3

Smudge 8HP (Callum)


Fang 6HP (Brodie)


Mallory’s Notebook Entries / Active Quests / Expired Quests / Completed Quests / Lore Books / Starting Stats / Final Stats

Final Stats

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Companion Animals’ Final Stats Of Book 3

Smudge 8HP (Callum)


Fang 6HP (Brodie)


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